Sunday, May 4, 2008

Big Boy potty!!!

Well its official!! Avery has started his potty training! He loves his potty.. Not to pee in it though. He just just loves to push it around like a car. We are helping him understand that its not a toy. He helped daddy put it together and he thought that was pretty fun! But now its time to potty in it...

As you can see the look on his face, he has NO idea whats going on! I kept telling him if he went potty I would give him a treat or buy him a little car. You know, a little reward? He wanted to hear nothing about a treat or a toy! He loves sitting on it with his diaper ON but OFF is a no no for Avery :) He has pull ups and we will keep trying everyday until he loves his potty! I love that he is getting so big but it breaks my heart too. I just want him to stay my little baby forever. He's getting a big boy bed for his B-day too, so we'll see how that goes! If anybody has potty training tips please let me know! I'm all ears..


Melanie Engen said...

That is hilarious. I am telling you. Wait till he poops in that thing and you have to have to clean it out and him. Good times. I love the little "boy" blocker so that 1, he doesn't pee on himself, and 2, you can't see his wee wee in a picture. He is going to kill you someday. :)

Shelley said...

Yay! More blogs!!! Avery is such a cutie! Potty training,..that should be an adventure! Get "Potty Time" Duke Family series DVD. Halarious entertainment for adults too! Ha! I miss you! What happened to us seeing eachother soon?

candice said...

I'm going to call you!! I read this book, "Potty Training in less than a day" and saw a thing on Dr. Phil about it. Allie went through 9 pairs of panties the first day, 3 the next day and rarely had an accident after that. We started just before her 2nd b-day. I'll call you and give you the tips!!! Candice

Unknown said...

Ahh! Love it! Potty training sucks plain and simple! Boys are different than girls. Q was easy and G still has little pee drips! He got the whole idea well, but controling that thing takes work!!!

I think it's good for Avery to love his potty in a different way for a while, get familiar! The biggest thing is to NOT make a big deal of it, unless he's doing something positive. He won't be 14 still in pullups, so take it little bits at a time.

We did a sticker each time he peed and a treat for each time he pooped. Really, even though we started around 2.5 he didn't really 'get' it until around 3. That's when we really hunkerd down and potty trained.

I hear you on not wanting them to grow up... it's sad sometimes, BUUUUT they are so much fun in every stage. It only gets better!

Anonymous said...

Can you please bring your son to my apartment tonight please so can you please also bring some of his extra clothes and extra pair of underwear for me to put on him when he is done with using my bathroom please can you please bring your son to my apartment tonight

Chester Day said...

Lance William Muise, from either Halifax or Dartmouth Nova Scotia, liked to play LARP (live action role playing) w/ me as teens. He had a weird sex fetish for actress Lizzie Greene... & he made me dress up in drag & pretend to be her character Dawn Harper, while he pretended to be Dawn's brothers (they were quadruplets) Nicky &/or Ricky &/or Dicky. Sometimes I had to pretend to be her FATHER Tom!!!! And their mother Anne had noooo idea of the "quadcest" going on between her & them.


• Chester The Molester
• Merv The Perv