My birthday was the day before thanksgiving so it made things a little busy this week. On My Bday things didn't really start off all that fun because i guess nothing went according to Kendal's plan. My present was supposed to get there on on Wed. and it didn't, flowers were supposed to be delivered that never showed up, breakfast in bed got burnt because he was dealing with the kids. Its the thought that counts right?? So needless to say Kendal was in a bad mood ALL DAY and it didn't even feel like a birthday until we went to dinner. It was so yummy and then i came home to flowers and candy in my room. The crappy day was made up for! Thanksgiving was at my moms on Thurs. and then at Kendal's moms on Friday. Avery had a blast playing with the kids and he was feeling much better on Friday. Every year the Cooper kids put on a play and this year Avery was old enough to be invited. Hes still pretty little and doesn't take direction very well :) So it pretty much consisted of him standing center stage with a stick in his hand bowing whenever anyone clapped. So funny!
After that we went back to my parents house for a bit and Kendal had been waiting all day to give me my present that finally arrived on Friday morning. It was a great surprise and i LoVeD it!! Now its time to start decorating for Christmas and I'm so excited! Avery keeps asking where our tree is so that's probably the first thing ill put up.
Just one more thing... For all you wonderful ladies who have asked if its OK for you to add me to your blog list, please do! You don't even need to ask :) I would love for you to check in on us whenever you'd like and i hope i can do the same with you. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! I also posted some random fun pics that i should have put on here a long time ago.