Avery has been doing great also.. He has been sick all week so that's no fun but other then that he is doing so well. He is talking more and more everyday, he knows almost all of his letters and colors and we are working on shapes and things too. Potty training has been a handful but I'm hoping he will catch on before the baby gets here! 2 kids in diapers?? No thanks. And as for Kendal he is as busy as ever. He starts school again tomorrow and work is same old same old. He likes school but of course its hard for him to be away all the time. Its nice to finally have him in school again though even though we miss him around here when he's so busy!
Well.. here are a few pictures starting back in the summer time that i kept meaning to post but i never got around to it. Some Bear Lake pics, Halloween pics and so on and so on..

I know that these are a little out of order.. The first one is of him sailing with his grandpa in Bear Lake, then of course some fall and Halloween pics. My favorites are the ones of Kendal and Avery playing swords! Its so fun to watch them play that. My friend Shelley and Noah came to Utah for a few days and there are a couple of the boys playing, we all had so much fun! Utah has been dumped on with snow and Avery had so much fun helping daddy set up Christmas lights and shovel the snow. I will post some Christmas pics soon. Well, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and and a happy New Year! Ill try not to be as long between post next time, and ill get some belly pics up soon too :)
PS People have been asking if we have names picked out yet and the answer is NO! Boy names are so hard.. We have a few in the running but none that we love, so if you have any boy name suggestions I would LOVE to hear them.