Tomorrow is my mom's 56th b-day! Yes thats right I said 56! She doesn't look a day over 40 does she?? I just wanted to take a minute to say what a wonderful mother I have. She is my best friend and I would just be lost without her! I have always, always, always been a mama's girl and that will never change. Avery just loves his grandma too and I don't know what he would do without her either. I hope and pray that Avery and I will have the kind of relationship that my mom and I have. And if thats too much to ask because he is a boy then I hope to have it with my daughter some day. She is such a strong woman and I look up to her and respect her for all she has done in her life. She has strengthened my testimony more then she will ever know and I love her even more for that. I am so lucky to have such an amazing woman in my life, and best of all I get to call her my mother. I love you so much mom!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!